Ambulatory Aids

Mobility and Ambulatory aids include items such as canes, walkers, rollators, and transport chairs.

Many people have mobility and balance issues due to aging, injury or other medical conditions and may find they need assistance with their mobility.


A walker has a lightweight frame that is about waist high, approximately 12 inches (30 cm) deep and slightly wider than the user. Walkers are also available in other sizes such as pediatric or bariatric. Modern walkers are height adjustable and should be set at a height that is comfortable for the user, but will allow the user to maintain a slight bend in their arms. This bend is needed to allow for proper blood circulation through the arms as the walker is used. It is common to see tennis balls with holes cut into them on the back legs of a walker with wheels on the front. This is often used to help with surfaces such as hardwood, epoxy and linoleum flooring. A walker is often used as ambulatory aid by those who are recuperating from leg or back injuries. It is also commonly used by persons having problems with walking or with mild balance problems.


A different approach to the walker is the rollator, also called a wheeled walker. The rollator consists of a frame with three or four large wheels, handlebars and a built-in seat, which allows the user to stop and rest when needed. Rollators are also often equipped with a shopping basket. Rollators are typically more sophisticated than conventional walkers with wheels. They are adjustable in height and are light-weight, yet sturdier than conventional walkers. The handlebars are equipped with hand brakes that can be lifted or pushed downward to instantly stop the rollator. Interestingly, a study in the 2000s found an increase in the use of rollators by young people “usually in their thirties…” The researchers conclude that this might be helpful in alleviating any possible stigma that using a rollator might carry.

When you’re not feeling at your best and need some help with your mobility, Goodwin Street Medical Supply can help you find the right ambulatory aid for your needs.

  • Nova Knee Walker

  • Nova Traveler 3-Wheeled Rollator Walker

  • Lumex Dual Release Folding Walker

  • Medline Excel Translator

  • Nova Zoom Series Rollator Walker

  • Lumex Walkabout Lite Four-Wheel Rollator